3:24 PM

my painting not bad huh

ah!! today is a tired day...
i do some painting at the school libary wall.. snow white..
it is nice~~~now i regret why i didn't take p.seni for SPM.wakaka..

firstly,the snow white...

then,the little mousedeer..

after that,all those little and cute animals.. finally,it's done!!!! ah...i am so happy.wakakaka..


virtual lady said...

This is what we call as SHOW OFF!hahahaha~~~

jingying said...

wei!!! you enough har..what show off.i didn't ask everybody to cme and see la.just a remembrance for future ok.not show off ok.OMG!

virtual lady said...

okok,of coz i understand why u wannna do this.wakakakaka..girl girl.y u so serious?
btw..cute face~~~~hahahaha~~~~